Singing Guide: Reel Big Fish

Singing Guide: Reel Big Fish

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Reel Big Fish is a ska punk band from California that formed in 1991. The band is known for its high energy live shows and its unique blend of ska, rock, and punk music. If you're interested in learning how to sing like Reel Big Fish's lead singer Aaron Barrett, there are a few things you can do to develop your own unique style.

One of the key elements of Reel Big Fish's music is their use of horns. To emulate this sound, try working on your breath control and playing with different vowel shapes. Pay attention to the way your voice feels and sounds when you elongate certain vowels or consonants. Additionally, focus on getting a clear and crisp tone on your notes to emulate the horn instruments in the band.

Another important aspect of Reel Big Fish's music is their use of humor and wit in their lyrics. To channel Aaron Barrett's unique style, try writing your own comedic lyrics with a playful tone. Emphasize the punchlines and jokes in your delivery to fully capture the essence of the band.

Some recommended Reel Big Fish songs to practice with include "Sell Out," "Beer," and "Take on Me" (the band's cover of the A-ha classic). These songs showcase the band's energetic, horn-driven sound and Aaron Barrett's distinctive vocal style.

To develop your skills as a singer and musician, Singing Carrots offers a variety of resources including:

Check out their educational singing course to learn more about singing theory and practical tips.

Remember, the key to becoming an excellent singer is practice and experimentation. By incorporating elements of Reel Big Fish's style into your own singing, you can develop a unique sound that's all your own.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.